Graduation project



Art-direction, Branding, UI/Visual and Motion design


For my graduation, I had to make an independent magazine. This magazine has the philosophy of Terry Richardson. Terry Richardson is mainly known for his fashion and portrait shoots, but you will see a completely different side of Terry Richardson when you’ve seen his book.

The Idea

I wanted to make a magazine that shows a person’s true nature without censoring something.

I came up with the name UNORTHODOX (which means; not conforming to rules, traditions, or modes of conduct, as a doctrine, religion, or philosophy, not orthodox). 

UNORTHODOX features news items, interviews, editorials, and photos. All these items can be seen as over the edge and distinguish themselves from primary magazines. Target group: People who are interested in groundbreaking things. Goal: A groundbreaking magazine that goes over the edge. Message: To show someone’s true nature.


The design is generally edgy to find the right balance between artists and design. These are some spreads from the magazine.


Subscribers will only access the Unorthodox website by using their subscription code: the website features, videos, photography, editorials, and blogs.


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